Tuesday, October 21, 2008


A gentle touch,a stroke, can heal faster than a pill.A soothing touch can ease the pain,according to a group of researchers.Touch is a basic human instinct each of us is born with.

The scientist found that gentle stroking activities "PLEASURE" nerves beneath the skin,which then reduces the sensation of pain from other nerves .In their research ,the team found that people who were exposed to painful temperatures on the surfaces of their skin felt less pain if time.They believe that signals to that brain from the nerves that detect the pleasurable stroking curb the signals from nerves that detect pain.

"TOUCH itself causes release of chemicals in the brain called endorphins and these change the sensitivity to pain into happiness".They also induce a state of well-being and chang the mood of the person.Touch with hands are potent transmitters of prana from the heart chakra .prana can heal ,especially when it is backed with intention.In this time and age,where we seem to be having pills for every ailment,be it a headache or backache,a simple touch can prove to be more effective and personal

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