Friday, December 19, 2008


I was reading through one of the blogs,i found this Jori window.

Then i refreshed my memories in fact even i created one for myself almost a year back.
One of the few things that fascinates me in life is Metrics. I just love those metrics. in fact in my undergrads one of my fave papers was software engineering. that paper dealt with lot of metrics which we use in project management.

Noways i have been deducing metrics from johari window.

In fact i myself couldn't understand how ppl have chosen the certain attributes which i honestly thought dint match me.I wonder whether i have them but then its their perception.

Hence to get the metrics correct,i sent this to ppl whom i like,whom i meet recently after joining work and to those who have been with me or rather know me for more than 6 years since college.Interesting those ppl had marked similar attributes.

I cant accept the fact so many ppl have chosen the attribute sentimental.
I am not a sentimental guy at all.

Noways this metrics as made me even more confused.
But one thing i could infer for sure is i am not the same for everyone.

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