Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Before i start my today’s post i would like to ask one thing, whats common between a man shopping in a city mall at Brooklyn and another folk sitting on his office desk checking out at Ebay?

It is the little plastic thing you have in your wallet (and if you don’t you should probably think about going to stoneage!) yes dumb heads i am talking about credit cards.

I personally believe that after inventing wheel anything worthy, those guys have invented are credit cards, yes man i am talking the fact here, okay imagine this you are walking down the mall and you see a surprise sale getting 60% off on the Laptop ( pardon me for my gadget love here) you always wanted, but . no money left with you right now because you bough some stupid home deco. that wont even suite your room! (yes it happened with me once) Anyways back to the topic, then before you die from your terrible emotions you bring that Lil plastic lifesaving instant purchase card AKA a credit card and make the purchase in a moment just by swiping it off the machine.To know about best credit card offers please feel free to comment here, or head directly to CD Rates your guide to all financial solutions.

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