Saturday, November 29, 2008
In malaysia Rs 18 Rs per liter
In India Rs 48 per liter
Why this difference in Asia it self ? World market CRUDE OIL IS NOT THE REASON FOR THIS. It's all gain for private owners ? As we are the general public,we have to raise our voice or at least let's raise through E-mails,pl forward this information to all Indians who care.
It has been calculated that if every one did not purchase a drop of petrol for one day and all at the same time,oil companies would chock on stockpiles.
At the same time,it would hit the entire industry with a net loss of over 4.6 Billion Dollars, which affects the bottom lines of these oil companies.
The only way this can be done is if you forward this information to as many as you can and as quickly a you can to get the word out. Waiting for the GOVERMENT to step in and control the prices is not going to happened,i thing every one know ..this what happened to the reduction and control in prices that the Arab Nations promised few weeks ago ?
Also we have to remember, not only is the price of petrol going up,but at the same time Airlines and Trucking companies are forced to increase their prices,which affect the prices of every thing that is shipped prices for things like food,clothing etc,too would increase.
We can make a difference,if they don't get the message after one day.we have to do it again and again.
Please do your part and spread the word and forward this information to all who you know.Mark your calendars and make SEPTEMBER 22 A DAY THAT THE INDIAN CITIZENS SAY 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH'.
Any programmer who has used version control will find the idea of -not- using it painful, and for good reason. Nevertheless, there are a few projects here for which it’s simply unavailable. As a general rule, any time we’ve had this issue at Tenthline the problem lies with the data formats we’re using.
I really dislike mailing documents back and forth. It’s inefficient, and it’s very easy for one of the authors to end up out of the loop, if the latest revision doesn’t get mailed out to everyone. Nevertheless, that’s the infrastructure I’m currently stuck with, if only because of the nature of our clients. As per their demands, all changes must be tracked inpgm file type Microsoft Word documents. All hail the proprietary .doc format!
I’d rather track changes with a wiki, or, better yet, .rtf files and subversion, but thanks to the dependance on Microsoft’s own mechanisms, that’s not an option. Fortunately, we keep our own internal data on wikis, ensuring that I can always find the latest and up-to-date reference anytime.
On another note, Content Server, the CMS platform that Tenthline does a lot of development on, has built in version control, which isn’t bad, but it suffers from being entirely proprietary. Sometimes I appreciate having choice. Instead, Content Server keeps its data in a database which is largely inaccessible except through its own tools and UI. For end users, this isn’t bad. It’s certainly easier than getting them to manage their own solution. And the complex data stored by a CMS system more or less demands a database. For developers, however, the inability to access the flatpgm file type files of our own .jsp code can be a bit of a detriment when doing heavy duty development.
Another important function in image creation includes display. This enhances image management and manipulation. There are various image display attributes, which include anti-aliasing enhancement, dithering, contrast, brightness, gamma correction, Orientation, color reduction, rotation, and auto-aspect ratio. Some effects include wipe and blocks. Another major attribute of image display includes high-speed display. Display plays a role during printing because it enhances orientation of the image before printing. Printing functions include auto-color minimization, single/ multi-page printing, automatic sizing of a page as well as automatic centralization of printing pages. This enhances page placement to obtain an ideal print out. Another important function involved in image development includes transformation. For quality image creation, the SDK should concentrate on transformation of figures or images.
Moreover, people do not forget or confuse them after updating to new pass-images. There is, however, some degree of vulnerabilities to a guess attack. We also discuss a security level of the Awase-E against various attack methods, and conclude that the Awase-E improves the security against them both traditional attack methods and attack methods that are specialized for a recognition-based authentication.
transparencies. Each participant holds a transparency. Most of the previous research work on VC focuses on improving two parameters: pixel expansion and contrast. In this paper, we studied the
cheating problem in VC and extended VC. We considered the attacks of malicious adversaries who may deviate from the scheme in any way. We presented three cheating methods and applied them
on attacking existent VC or extended VC schemes. We improved one cheat-preventing scheme. We proposed a generic method that converts a VCS to another VCS that has the property of cheating
prevention. The overhead of the conversion is near optimal in both contrast degression and pixel expansion.
connectivity in delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) using mobile nodes to connect different parts of a disconnected network. Trajectory planning and the coordination of mobile nodes
are two important design issues aiming to optimize or balance several measures, including delay, average number of relays, and moving distance. In this paper, we propose a new
controlled mobility model with an expected polylogarithmic number of relays to achieve a good balance among several contradictory goals, including delay, the number of relays,
and moving distance. The model is based on the small-world model where each static node has “short” link connections to its nearest neighbors and “long” link connections to other
nodes following a certain probability distribution. Short links are regular wireless connections whereas long links are implemented using mobile nodes. Various issues are
considered, including trade-offs between delay and average number of relays, selection of the number of mobile nodes, and selection of the number of long links. The effectiveness
of the proposed model is evaluated analytically as well as through simulation.
BINOCULARS offers the widest selection of high quality binoculars - binoculars night vision, digital camera binoculars, bird watching binoculars, hunting binoculars, astronomical binoculars, marine binoculars & military binoculars. No matter what specifications you are looking for - zoom binoculars, waterproof binoculars, compact binoculars or giant binoculars we’ve got you covered. FREE UPS with all binoculars over $29.95 - Nikon binoculars, Swarovski binoculars, Celestron binoculars, Leupold binoculars, Meade binoculars, Bushnell binoculars, Steiner binoculars, Tasco binoculars, Brunton binoculars and many more. prides itself on exceptional customer service, outstanding product knowledge, lowest prices and secure online shopping environment. We have a wealth of product information, anything from binocular reviews to “how-to-buy binoculars” articles. In addition to binoculars at discount prices, OpticsPlanet carries a full line of telescopes, spotting scopes, night vision, rifle scopes, microscopes sunglasses and goggles
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Che is my favorite leader . Have read his book motorcycle diaries its a nice one . Have seen that movie also its also a super one with an awesome sound track . Reading about Che makes you feel it revolutionize us . I wanted a lot of changes in this world but i cant do anything but i have tried my level best for it . And i would always try to do for this world . Want to make a revolution in this world .
The year has been eventful and I hope that the coming new year brings a lot of differences in our life.For good Ofcourse.
I therefore, wish all my readers and every human around the world a very Happy New Year in Advance.
Let me tell you why I like I have a lot of hobbies. One of those hobbies is people watching. Late night people watching. Late night people watching through windowsOpticsPlanet offers a variety of night vision equipment by ATN, Yukon, Bushnell, Trijicon, Weaver, Aimshot, Insight Technology, ITT & many more. Night vision for various applications, night vision goggles, night vision binoculars, night vision scope, night vision cameras, night vision monocular & night vision rifle scope, from the best gen.4th generation night vision
These awesome vision enhancing gifts, and much much more are all available at You can find an enormous selection of holiday gifts – the best brand name Telescopes, Microscopes, Spotting scopes, Digital Camera Scopes & Binoculars, Rifles Scopes, Red Dot Sights, Pocket Monoculars, binoculars, rangefinders, radar guns, sunglasses, goggles, flashlights etc Discount pricing, FREE UPS on orders over $29.95.But people watching is not my only hobby. I am also an avid butt kicker and crime fighter. Jack Bauer is one of my biggest heroes
Lehmann Crisis-A lesson to Life
This article would be more useful for every one who starts their life and those who already in their account of life. The article , this time means a lot. One can understand the purpose of their life. Life once goes will never come back. So such precious Life is more important. This article describes about the " Lehmann Brothers" crisis which brought the American Economy under stack. I read this article through some website written by Yogesh Chhabria and I am sure that you would read this article. Have a nice day and stay kool.
It's an interesting article by Yogesh Chhabria,investor, entrepreneur,
educator and Happionaire.
" LATELY, I have been thinking a lot about the Lehman crisis. Spending money that they didn't have and going beyond their means is one of the main reasons for their situation today. In fact that is the cause for the current economic crisis in the US.
When I see all this happening, I can only remember the good old days. Then, karz was bad. People looked down upon those who took loans. Parents would not give their daughter's hand in marriage to a man with loans.
But of course, the times have changed now. Everyone I know has a loan. The buzz word is EMI (equated monthly installment). Today, you can buy everything on EMI - a house, a television, even an i-Pod. In fact I know of someone who just bought a fancy BMW 3 series on EMI, instead of buying a cheaper car outright with cash. I mostly prefer to take public transport, but then I am an old man with old thoughts!
Anyway, coming back to what caused the crisis.
Imagine having Rs 2 lakh in your bank account, no regular income, yet buying a house worth Rs 65 lakh, in the hope of selling it for a higher price.
Even if the price of the house fell by just 5 per cent (that is Rs 3 lakh), you will go bankrupt.
This is what Lehman Brothers did; with around USD 20 billion they went and bought assets worth over USD 600 billion. Isn't it suicidal and simply foolish?
I am sure things would have been different, had I been the head of Lehman brothers. But who wants an old conservative man like me to head a complex financial institution.
But there are a few lessons that we can learn:
1.Live a balanced life and avoid overspending.
2. Don't buy things we don't need.
3. Don't buy Branded goods.
4. Don't buy excess Food, Cloths, Cosmetics, Footwear, electronics and Fashion accuracies. Just think before you buy.
Tip: World still has a lot of growth ahead and the future holds immense opportunities for us. Let us make the most of it and save and invest it wisely instead of wasting our precious little on things we don't need.
5. Try to balance life with work (No one is happy to work in their professions).
6. Don't stress out your self, after work try to do some extra activities like swimming,
yoga, walking, running where you can divert your mind from stress.
A thumb rule: Health is more important than money.
7. Try to understand each other (Wife and Husband) in financial matters and help each other.
Tip: As soon as you get your monthly salary, set aside a fixed amount, usually 35 per cent, for insurance, savings and investments. You can then spend the rest.
8. Not all loans are bad. Loans that are 'need based' (home loans, education loans) can always find a place in your finances against those that are largely 'want based' (Credit cards, personal loans, car loans).
9. Borrow only if repayment is financially comfortable.
A thumb rule: Keep EMIs within 35 to 45 per cent of your monthly income.
In that respect, there is one American who I really respect - Warren Buffet. He has lived in the same ordinary house for over three decades, drives his own medium sized car and leads an extremely regular 'middle class' life. If that's all it takes for the richest person on earth to be happy, why do all of us need to take extra stress just so that we can get things which aren't even essential?"
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
SunGlasses at Optics Planet
Sports- Ghambir at Peak
"He looks around for it [chat], to be honest," Hussey said. "It hasn't been a plan of ours to go at him and talk or whatever ... but I must admit he does go around the field looking to engage certain players and looking to get involved and that sort of thing.
"So maybe that is part of his character, looking for a clash to try to pump himself up a bit more. He's always looking to engage, not so much 'g'day how are you going', but an intense look. It's quite funny really."

As you can see, it contains three parts and they are all simple:
- A switch to connect and disconnect the phone from the network. The switch is generally called the Hook Switch. It connects when you lift the handset.
- A Speaker.
- A Microphone - Carbon granules compressed between two thin metal plates. Sound waves from your voice compress and decompress the granules, changing the resistance of the granules and modulating the current flowing through the microphone.
The dialling from this simple phone is very easy by rapidly tapping the hook switch. If you pick up and rapidly tap the switch hook four times, the phone company's switch will recognise that you have dialled a "4".
Now how does two people gets connected through a telephone? The following are the steps involved:
- The signal leaves your house to a telephone box outside.
- The local exchange is connected to all the phones in a small geographical area.
- From the local exchanges, calls are routed to the main exchange.
- The main exchange may route the call to another main exchange and the reverse process follows.

When it comes to keeping on-set staff entertained,vidya balan is an expert.unit members say that vidya is one actress who takes care of the entire unit and sees to it that the aren't bogged down by mundane work.She is always cheering everyone around,and looking at her enthusiasm ,all members enjoy working with her.
vidya has even downloaded songs in various languages that appeal to the unit members interestingly ,she is also has a good ear for music.The tunes downloaded by her are very soothing .it peps her staff and the unit members.It sees them through the night.The best part is that they don't feel tired but rejuvenated and look forward to work the next day too.
Its a hand held device,which will be with a patient all the patient all the time and once fully charged the battery can record 12 hours of ECG.With constant ECG recording the doctors can find out where the actual problem is and can diagnose and treat more efficiently.The movile device will hit the market very soon.
Utah, date here—, an online resource for mountain enthusiasts living in and visiting Utah, is making it easier to try skiing for the first time—or to hit the slopes after a long hiatus.
The web site’s classified ad listing not only offers ski equipment for sale or trade, but also an ever-changing list of free gear that can help both skiers who are new to the sport—and those who need to update their equipment before they return to the mountains.
“The Free Stuff listing gives news skiers a chance to test out the sport by
Placing classified ads on is free.
Carter Gregory, a former ski racer and now Snowbird Race Team coach, grew up on the slopes of Park City, where his dad Tom taught him to ski. Last year, Carter was able to return the favor by replacing his dad’s outdated skis—for free.
After spending more than 20 years on the National Ski Patrol, the elder Gregory, took a break from skiing. When he was ready to start again, Carter knew the transition would be easier for his dad with a pair of skis that were more ‘new school.’ He found a free pair of Volkl Cross Rangers on
“The free price tag was perfect and it was a real boost to his enjoyment of skiing again,” said Carter Gregory.
Snowboarder Mickey Vriens was excited to share his joy of sliding down mountains with his eight year-old son Ashton. But it wasn’t long before Ashton wanted to give downhill skiing a try too.
“I didn’t want to spend the money to outfit him with alpine gear, but I was able to find a free pair of kids Rossignols on,” said Vriens. “This made both of us happy… the price was right and he is now learning both sports. We’ll see which one he prefers in the long run.”
Because free stuff listed in the classified ads of tends to move quickly, Langridge recommends that online visitors sign up for an RSS feed on the site, which will alert them by email when new listings for free equipment are posted. serves residents, visitors, ski racers, Realtors and businesses in Utah’s mountain communities by offering the ability to:
find a place to stay by distance to the lifts
buy, trade, sell or find free ski equipment and other mountain gear
peruse the menus of local restaurants and listings of ski shops
find a ski partner
get local race results and check out ski forums
find a mountain home to buy
check out the weather and avalanche forecast
link to any of the 13 airlines serving Utah’s mountain regions and to car rental companies
find a job on or off the mountain.

Palakkad as it is called is famous not only as the rice bowl of kerala but has also been known to produce talented musician .Many musicians hailing from this region.inafact ,many of my band members are from kerala.awesome voice and talent they got in playing instruments.Also,the place has singular natural beauty borne out by its mountains,forest,valleys,plantations of rubber,coconut,areca nut and its waterfalls.
one such place that would make for a delightful trek is the meenvallam waterfalls.which lies in between palakkad-manarghat route.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Working professionals and students are keeping their hands occupied with stress balls.which help exercise hand muscles and relieve stress.Necessity is the mother of invention ,and with the growing turmoil in the global markets,stress relievers have become the need of the hour.From the health clubs,yoga,games,dancing and sports ,people have tried to hunt for assistance to beat the ever -prevalent problems of anxiety ,mood swings ,blood pressure ,sleeplesness and distress.
Among the breed of stress relief balls.The use of stress balls to relieve distress is however still debatable and hasn't been established as a effective form of therapy.Seven cm in diameter,stress balls usually work as malleable toys .When squeezed and rotated with the fingers ,these balls help exercise hand muscles and relieve stress.
squeeze balls are handy and can be placed on work desks or even carried along with you as key helps to improve the blood circulation.They are said to work as effective points and help vent out the piled up negative energy.These nerves carry the signal to different areas in the brain especially areas linked with emotions.