Saturday, December 6, 2008

English model Alex Curran ,known as the leading WAG of the England national football team.has revealed that she often offends people when she is drunk.Curran,who is footie ace Steven Gerrard's wife ,revealed and that after she has offended someone and realise her mistake,she starts crying"I DO A LITTLE DRINK",The Sun quoted saying I'm an up-dancing-on -the tables kind of party person.I have one drink and then i get all excited.Sometimes I'll do something or say something wrong to someone then I'll realise what I've done.I know I'm trouble and I'll just start crying,But generally I'm happy drinking person .
Private student loans Dec 2008
When you are dealing with the difficulties of leaving home for the first time either because you are doping to achieve a college or a university education, like applying for the right educational institution, for a student loan or browsing to get the right accommodation for the next three to more years.
One thing is for sure, you will require a certain amount of electronic equipment. Amongst the electronic equipments that you will be requiring, of course, you can count on the computer complete with monitor and printer; probably at least a small sized sound system and a television set. Nonetheless your status of trying private student loans to save as much as possible from the student loan financing fund that you applied to, you will need to determine if acquiring a DVD player can work better for you than spending money on movie going.
Whether you decide to buy the electronic equipment new or second hand, or move “excess” equipment from your parent’s home to your new student residence. Keep in mind before making the decision that you will need to protect the electronic equipment and that, even in the best environment, security might be compromised, therefore, you might not want to risk equipment that is too expensive or that has too high sentimental value.
Buying adequate protection for your electronic equipment will prove to be a wise decision since it will allow you to handle and move more freely in terms of rainy season and even party times. The electric system of any house, apartment, dorm or fraternity has a determined range of resistance and endurance in terms of electrical equipment plugged and turned on at the same time. It is not rare nor unusual to hear of blackouts and burned out electrical equipment because the residents of a certain place had their equipments turned on all at the same time.
The increase in global temperatures is expected to disrupt ecosystems and result in loss of species diversity, as species that cannot adapt die off. The first comprehensive assessment of the extinction risk from global warming found that more than one million species could be committed to extinction by 2050 if global warming pollution is not curtailed. Some ecosystems, including alpine meadows in the Rocky Mountains, as well as tropical montane and mangrove forests, are likely to disappear because new warmer local climates or coastal sea level rise will not support them.
Warmer temperatures may cause some ecosystems, including alpine meadows in the Rocky Mountains, to disappear. |
- Warning signs today
- A recent study of nearly 2,000 species of plants and animals discovered movement toward the poles at an average rate of 3.8 miles per decade. Similarly, the study found species in alpine areas to be moving vertically at a rate of 20 feet per decade in the 2nd half of the 20th century.
- The latest IPCC report found that approximately 20 to 30 percent of plant and animal species assessed so far are likely to be at increased risk of extinction if global average temperature increases by more than 2.7 to 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Some polar bears are drowning because they have to swim longer distances to reach ice floes. The U. S. Geological Survey has predicted that two-thirds of the world's polar bear sub-populations will be extinct by mid-century due to melting of the Arctic ice cap.
- In Washington's Olympic Mountains, sub-alpine forest has invaded higher elevation alpine meadows. In Bermuda and other places, mangrove forests are being lost.
- In areas of California, shoreline sea life is shifting northward, probably in response to warmer ocean and air temperatures.
- Over the past 25 years, some penguin populations have shrunk by 33 percent in parts of Antarctica, due to declines in winter sea-ice habitat.
- The ocean will continue to become more acidic due to carbon dioxide emissions. Because of this acidification, species with hard calcium carbonate shells are vulnerable, as are coral reefs, which are vital to ocean ecosystems. Scientists predict that a 3.6 degree Fahrenheit increase in temperature would wipe out 97 percent of the world's coral reefs
Air Mattress Guide
air mattress cause it will really help us to have good sleeping if we don't like to sleep on the ground. Beside some people like to used this mattress cause its easy, simple to use and also cheap. It's portable twin blow up mattress and easy to change too. This air mattress will also really help for our children's sleepover and for people who have guess but have limited bedding set. If you afraid being breathless, so don't worry cause some of them have inflation system on it.
For you who look for an air mattress, you can read it's review before at airmattress info They've compared various air mattress include information about and have list of place link to purchase mattress.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Grandmother Clocks is another term which is frequently asked about, with the only major difference being the height of the clock. Other than the height howard miller clock, in most instances, the two terms can be used reasonably interchangable.
Oh, and grandfather clocks are sometimes referred to as granfather clocks or grandfathers clocks, or even grand father clocks. These are just simple common misconceptions of what the correct words and terminology are.
Granddaughter Clocks are smaller, and Grandson Clocks™, actually introduced by 1-800-4CLOCKS much earlier this year, are even smaller. Keep an eye out for them at a retailer near you.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
- TOO EAGER TO UNDRESS:so she was looking absoluetly stunning in her low cut dress,but what is on your mind,why are you so eager to undress her and kill the moment.Take it slow for a change,restraining your hands on her dress,which will make her desire you even more.
- FOREPLAY:Yes,there have been times,when you both wouldn't care less and go into the business straight way.But if this is becoming a habit,it will soon seem like a chore to both of you.FOREPLAY will surely add spice to your steamy love life.
- IGNORING HER NEEDS:It cant always be you and you first,stop being selfish,your woman needs pampering too.she needs ,so why don't you gently ask her surprise her altogether.
- TRYING TOO MANY THINGS AT ONE TIME:Do not get over enthusiastic and try all the adventure tricks with her that you saw on televison or heared from a friend.A better way would be to voice your intentions to her before surprising her with a new more move and scaring the hell with out her.
- DON"T GO OFF TO SLEEP TOO SOON:Men will be men,but women are not men,They can' just switch off like men do after making out.Women like to be held,cajeled and talked to especially after a steamy session.Be a little more considerate and spend some time talking or sharing jokes with her.
will u pls rewind...
rewind ma life..the dark past
the dark days..followin the dark ways..
slippin outta ma mind,committin great sins and countless crimes
steppin to a coffee pub or a toxic pub
lookin for a girl,to take her to a dance club
tastin or sippin a cup o glass of coffee,beer and wine
rulin' over the streets,showin off the mighty power of nothin but fake
oppressin the weak,challengin the strong,enjoyin the scenes,music and the game
ma life is a roller coaster ride,repairin and rebuildin ma tragic fate
eyes,ears and tongues filled with filth and lie,cause i was dumb,deaf and blind
there's no control,jus no control..totally outta control,am jus outta control...
ma skull is screamin',ma blood boilin,am teasin,abusin,mockin and always fightin
am so bad,am so mad,am the greatest fool,true loser..takin everythin cool
ma life is totally ruined,findin pieces,to fix it very soon
fooled in the name of love,betrayed and backstabbed by best of friends
people want me to change,to get a good name and stop with this satanic game
rollin up ma sleeves,yellin out loudly "gimme a break please" !!!
ma vision and mission is to remain the same,ma goal is to perfect ma game
am jus losin it out,no more hope at all,everybody jus foolin me
am alone,it so cold,am freezin and shiverin,cryin out loud..
am askin ppl to help me out,everybody's runnin away and backin off
its jus ma dark past,ma dark days...i wanna follow ma dark ways
i look up,i can see someone smilin at me,he wanna help me out...
i say quietly "thanks,but no thanks..this is ma life"
am a loser,true loser....wanna be the best of losers....
shiftin' the gears from 1 to 5,headin for the longest drive
takin an U-turn,takin a turn around
the longest drive of 5 pillars of islam
no reversin back,no switchin back,headin towards the true path
everythin is already planned by almighty allah
ya allah,ya allah,ya allah,ya allah
almighty allah,the most high,the most exalted,the most beneficent
the most oft-forgiving,the most patient,the most merciful
the master creator,the master of the day of judgement
to whom everybody will return,resurrectin..comin back to life
givin us this beautiful life,with vision,mission,goal on our minds
watchin us from time to time,every second,minute and every hour
takin a note of our deeds so patiently,the deeds of the good and the bad
that we conceal,that we reveal,bestowin countless favours upon us
so everybody can survive,remindin us to keep worshippin him alone
people abusin,insultin the most patient almighty allah
makin fake or false claims "he's begotten a son or a daughter,
associatin partners,committin the blatant shirk
he aint tearin us apart or crushin our faces,
he aint makin us dumb,deaf and blind
but givin us the sweetest pain in this life,from diseases,tragedies to calamities
delayin the dreadful punishment for the next life,
makin us face the tests to realize
the biggest or the toughest tests,get it or lose it all
askin us to have faith and patience and to work hard
compensatin the LOSS to Lots Of SuccesS,the better or the best
tormentin the ignorant with sadness,no peace of mind and misfortunes
giftin the pious,the most righteous with high rewards
showers of blessings,happiness and golden fortune
truly to him belongs the heavens and the earth
and truly to him we shall return
shiftin' the gears from 1 to 5,headin for the longest drive
takin an U-turn,takin a turn around
the longest drive of 5 pillars of islam
no reversin back,no switchin back,headin towards the true path
everythin is already planned by almighty allah
ya allah,ya allah,ya allah,ya allah
i was a loser,true loser,was spinnin the wheel,the wheel of darkpast
checkin how do i feel??ma mind completely filled with evil thoughts
i was gone astray,only painful and dreadful allah's wrath to face
plannin big time to take revenge on ma enemies and backstabbin best of friends
the most merciful almighty allah watchin me..plannin at the same time...
he is plannin and ruinin ma every evil plan,replacin it with the good
i had an intention to be good,indeed almighty allah made me good..
acceptin ma dua..even if i was an ignorant or bad
all of a sudden,there was a sea change in me..people were shocked to see
i realize,i aint a loser anymore,cause i belong to true deen
takin the sweet revenge on ma enemies and back stabbin best of friends
forgettin everythin,forgivin them,carin,lovin and helpin them
callin them ma brothers...cause now am a muslimeen.....
walkin towards almighty allah,he's runnin towards me
replacin evil thoughts,sealed heart and filthy tongue
giftin me with deepest knowledge,pious heart and truthful tongue
blessin me with high rewards,happiness,and peace of mind
almighty allah,the most high,the most exalted,the most beneficent
the most oft-forgiving,the most patient,the most merciful
the master creator,the master of the day of judgement
truly to him belongs the heavens and the earth
and truly to him we shall return
shiftin' the gears from 1 to 5,headin for the longest drive
takin an U-turn,takin a turn around
the longest drive of 5 pillars of islam
no reversin back,no switchin back,headin towards the true path
everythin is already planned by almighty allah
ya allah,ya allah,ya allah,ya allah
Dallas Debt Consolidation
Debt consolidation is essentially a term that is used to describe a financial product or service that helps consumers deal with their debt problems. Debt Management is a service that
It's important that you speak with a professional who understands your exact situation and can ask you all of the necessary questions to determine the plan that is right for you. We encourage you to call and speak with one of our representatives. They are highly trained and there is no cost for our advice. We've helped ten's of thousands of consumers just like you resolve their debt problems. Also contained within our site is a lot of free information and resources on how to investigate your debt and debt problems on your own.Dallas Debt Consolidation is backed by experts in the field of credit counseling and debt consolidation. We will help you reduce your interest rates, lower monthly payments and pay off your debt more quickly. Our debt consolidation program will consolidate all of your unsecured debt. Our credit counselors will help you design a budget and provide you with a financial education in just fifteen minutes
Crawl 'em all
Google has 3 billion pages in its database, with AlltheWeb and Inktomi close behind. But there may be a trillion more pages hiding in plain sight - in online databases such as WebMD and The New York Times' archive, and they can't be reached by hopping from one link to another. To get at them, a search engine needs to submit a query to each site, then consolidate the results onto one page. CompletePlanet lets visitors search more than 100,000 such databases, but only a few subjects at a time. No current service is powerful enough to churn through all trillion possible results at once.
Keep 'em all
Google is fast replacing Lexis-Nexis as the research tool professionals turn to first. But Google lets you search only its most recently crawled version of the Web. Pages that were changed or deleted prior to the last crawl are lost forever. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine preserves a fraction of the Web's page history. What if you could search every version of every page ever posted?
Follow the feeds
News sites and blogs are supplementing their pages with RSS feeds - a service that pushes new content to subscribers as soon as it's published. Google doesn't track RSS feeds, and bloggers gripe that their posts take two to three days to show up in search results. An engine to which Web site owners could upload RSS would provide the latest version of every page.
Don't give away the formula
When Google debuted in 1998, its search results were free of the marketing pages that clogged other engines. Even though Sergey Brin and Larry Page had published their PageRank formula while at Stanford, it was tougher to fool than other scoring systems. In 2000, Google gave out a free PC toolbar that displayed the PageRank value of any Web page, unwittingly handing Google gamers a cheat sheet.
"May I come in?" he asked. But Fatimah did not allow him enter the room.
"I'm sorry, my father is ill," said Fatimah, turned her body back and closed the door.
She went back to her father who had opened his eyes and asked Fatimah,
"Who was he, my daughter?"
"I don't know, my father. It was the first time for me to see him,"
Fatimah said gently.
Then, Rasulullah looked at his daughter with trembled look, as if he wanted to reminisce about every part of her daughter's face.
"Know one thing! He is who erases the temporary pleasure; he is who separates the companionship in the world.
He is the death angel," said Rasulullah .
Fatimah bore the bomb of her cry. The death angel came toward him, But Rasulullah asked why Jibril did not come along with him.
Then, Jibril was called. Jibril was ready in the sky to welcome the soul of Habibullah and the leader of the earth.
"O Jibril, explain me about my rights in front of ALLAH?" Rasulullah asked with a weakest voice.
"The doors of sky have opened, the angels are waiting for your soul."
"All jannats open widely waiting for you," Jibril said. But, in fact, all this did not make Rasulullah relieved, his eyes were still full of worry.
"You are not happy to hear this news?" asked Jibril.
"Tell me about the destiny of my people in future?"
"Don't worry, O Rasul ALLAH. I heard ALLAH tell me: 'I make jannat haram for every one, except the people of Muhammad who are inside it,"
Jibril said.
It became closer and closer, the time for Malaekat Izrail to do his work.
Slowly, Rasulullah's soul was pulled. It was seemed that the body of Rasulullah was full of sweat; the nerves of his neck became tight.
"Jibril, how painful this sakaratul maut is!"
Rasulullah uttered a groan slowly. Fatimah closed her eyes, Ali sat beside her bowed deeply and Jibril turned his face back.
"Am I repugnant to you that you turn your face back o Jibril?" Rasulullah asked the Deliverer of Wahy.
"Who is the one who could see the Habibullah in his condition of sakaratul maut," Jibril said.
Not for a while, Rasulullah uttered a groan because of unbearable pain.
"O ALLAH, how great is this sakaratul maut. Give me all these pains, don't give it to my people."
The body of Rasulullah became cold, his feet and chest did not move anymore..
His lips vibrated as if he wanted to say something, Ali took his ear close to Rasulullah.
"Uushiikum bis shalati, wa maa malakat aimanuku - take care of the saalat and take care the weak people among you."
Outside the room, there were cries shouted each other, sahabah held each other. Fatimah closed her face with her hands and, again, Ali
took his ear close to Rasulullah's mouth which became bluish.
"Ummatii, ummatii, ummatii?" - "My people, my people, my people."
And the life of the noble man ended.
Could we love each other like him? Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad wa baarikwa salim 'alaihi. How deep is Rasulullah's love to us.
Send this to all your Muslim friends so that there is an awareness towards the love of ALLAH and His Rasul - because - truly - except this love, the other loves, are only fana (not everlasting) thing.
Don't worry if people hate you because there are many others who love and care you in the earth. But be worried if ALLAH hates you because
there is no other who loves and cares you in akhirat.
May Almighty Allah guide all of us to the Right Path and give all of us the courage to accept the Truth in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah
and to reject all things which are in contradiction to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
Please pass this around, perhaps you would be a reason to awaken the love of the Prophet in someone's heart.

Today's men are not afraid to express their emotions openly anymore.And some tears are a sign of strength Men too choke up at sappy movies,hug their friends and grieve when a relation ship ends.No longer just a female emotion,men are not afraid to cry anymore and express their feelings in public
Remember how kapil dev cried in televison when he tried to prove himself innocent against charges of match-fixing or when cricketer,sreeshant was caught weeping after being slaped by harbhajan singh."men to have emotions,but we rae not emotional fools",we cry,but we don't howl we like exchang news about others,but we don't gossip.There is a difference.The image of a strong man who never cries and keps it al in bravely ,is becoming a thing of the is considered a bigger sign of strength when a man is not afraid to cry feels ,And of course,it's not just grief that makes the eye of a man dew.Even when a proud father watches has kid win a prize,the tears just flow down.
Although men and women sigh ,cry rejoice,vent,shout and weep they express emotions live in the background of a manlife and the foreground of a woman.A breakup is as hard on a man as on a woman."When my relation ship with my girlfriend ended.I did cry my heart out.My friends told me how unmanly i was being,but i couldn't control my tears.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008
Don't just give a basic gift card this year, give a personalized custom gift card from GiftCardLab. GiftCardLab allows Visa gift cards you to upload pictures, art, or graphics to design your very own Visa Gift Card for loved ones, co-wokers, employees, and friends.
Visa gift cards from GiftCardLab are also FDIC insured so no need to worry about the risk brought on by retail gift
GiftCardLab Visa gift cards can also be used anywhere Visa is accepted so the gift cards can be used for necessities like gas, groceries, clothes, etc. A much more practical gift for this holiday season.
But jubilation rapidly turned to disbelief as just seconds later title rival Lewis Hamilton passed the Toyota of Timo Glock at the final corner to clinch the fifth place he needed to snatch the drivers’ crown from Massa’s grasp. The Brazilian knew how close he had come, but had nothing but praise for the McLaren driver.
"It was an exciting day,” he said. “We did everything to perfection and we almost managed to pull it off. Then, as I crossed the line, (race engineer) Rob (Smedley) told me that Hamilton had finished fifth and therefore he took the title by one point. Sport is like this and one has to accept that. Congratulations to Lewis: whoever gets the most points deserves the title.”
Massa’s only consolation was a magnificent home win, and the knowledge that he and team mate Kimi Raikkonen, who finished third, had done enough to guarantee Ferrari the constructors’ championship.
“I am very proud of the whole team and how much support they have given me during this fantastic season,” he said. “Now we must be happy with what have done, namely bringing home the constructors' title which I know is so important for the team.
“It was a season of highs and lows and we have learned a lot, from the good moments and from our mistakes. I can leave Interlagos with my head held high because once again I have won in front of my home crowd and because this is an unforgettable day. Now I want to celebrate with my family, my friends and my team. We deserve it!"
Ferrari team principal Stefano Domenicali paid tribute to Massa, commenting: “Felipe has grown so much, year after year, demonstrating his talent and personality, answering his critics with his driving and with his mind. He has had an amazing season and would have deserved the title. That's sport, it can sometimes be cruel.”
putting gas in her car and left his card. Sh said no, but accepted
his card out of kindness and got in the car. The man then got into a
car driven by another gentleman. As the lady left the service
station, she saw the men following her out of the station at the
same time.
Almost immediately, she started to feel dizzy and could not catch
her breath. She tried to open the window and rea liz ed that the
odor was on her hand; the same hand which accepted the card from the
gentleman at the gas station.
She then noticed the men were immediately behind her and she felt
she needed to do something at that moment. She drove into the first
driveway and began to honk her horn repeatedly to ask for help.The
men drove away but the lady still felt badly for several minutes
after she could finally catch her breath. Apparently there was a
substance on the card that could have seriously injured her.
This drug is called 'BURUNDANGA' and it is used by people who
to incapacitate a victim in order to steal from or take advantage of
This drug is four times more dangerous than the date rape drug and
is transferable on simple cards.
So take heed and make sure you don't accept cards at any given time
alone or from someone on the streets.
This applies to those making house calls and slipping you a card
when they offer their services.
Google didn't buy in - a stubbornness that proved brilliant. Six years later, those skinny little text-based ads are a huge moneymaker, accounting for more than $600 million in revenue last year, according to Forrester Research. And Google, once simply the world's best search engine, is fast reinventing itself as an advertising company.
At the heart of the new Google is AdWords, a self-service ad server that uses relevance-ranking algorithms similar to the ones that make the search engine so effective. Advertisers tell Google how much they want to spend, then "buy" pertinent keywords. When users type in a matching term, the ad appears near the search results under the heading "Sponsored Links." Each time a user clicks on the ad, Google subtracts the cost-per-click from the advertiser's account. When the account's daily budget is met, Google stops displaying the ad.
So far the system has proven easy to use and remarkably effective. Roughly 15 percent of ads displayed adjacent to Google searches (at the company's own Web site and on Google-powered sites like Yahoo! and AOL) result in click throughs - more than 10 times the click rate of the average banner ad. These click throughs are the golden leads of online commerce. One Dow Chemical business group reported 25 percent of its traffic comes through Google.
AdWords has worked so well that last year Google began offering the system to other sites as a way for them to provide targeted ads. The new service, AdSense, places ads on Web sites of all stripes, from and The New York Times on the Web to quirky blogs like Bananathing!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
On balance, though, they're a good idea if you've got sensitivity to mold. If you've had it in your house once, you could easily get it again. Spores can come in from outside, too. Just make sure that the brand you get is described as "HEPA." There are lots of different kinds of filters,air cleaner mold but if it's not HEPA it may not get the spores out due to their small size. It might also be a good idea to look for one with a carbon filter. They are good at getting rid of smells, which often accompany mold and mildew.
The movie has all three - the film takes you on an emotional journey, one that everyone can relate to, losing someone you love and learning to cope with the loss is universal.
Hilary Swank was a pleasant surprise I wasn't sure of her in the role. Gerard Butler as "Gerry" the deceased husband was excellent but his role should have been expanded. The scenes between Butler and Swank were the best part of the movie.
The supporting cast was very good and provided the comedic relief. I especially liked Harry Connick Jr.'s character.
You will not be disappointed with the film. It is not an academy award winning film, but it is a tearjerker and definitely makes you go home home and hug your significant other and be happy to have them in your life.
I know some of you are looking for best toaster ovens for your kitchen, I hope your search end here:)
I have tested and bought a lot of toaster ovens either for my new home or as a gift types of toaster oven for my friends. And of course, with the help of Consumer Report, Cook illustrated and Amazon owner review, I manage to find and own couple o the difference between a toaster and a toaster oven? The toaster is designed mainly for bread, with just a slot to stick it into. A toaster oven is basically just a mini-oven that you can sit on your counter. You could use it to toast bread - or for cooking basically anything you can cook in an oven. That might not seem like a big deal compared to many types of toaster ovenother purchases - most are pretty cheap, with even the extreme high end topping out at a few hundred bucks. But you'll be cooking a lot of food on whatever you buy, and getting a good one can make a huge difference in how it tastes. If you want to avoid burnt foods and uneven cooking, look no further - this site provides reviews of different models and general information you'll want before making your decision.