Friday, February 6, 2009
Miles away from India, this city is infested with Indians. In fact, they say every fourth face in New York is an Indian...
It's me, Manisha doing my high studies here…I also carry out my part time job in the evening. It was only a month passed I came here…The very moment I came here I was very happy to enter this new world…But as the day passed I started realizing my loneliness around me…I missed my parents, brother, relatives, friends, mothi (my sweet pet), neighbors, food, etc…
But the only thing that consoles me s the one and only friend I got here, Reshmi...unfortunate friend of mine. She s the one came with me here to join her higher studies…She s engaged and very much concerned about her fiancĂ©… She used to be found hanging around with her mobile fone talking with her man… She had only a short time for me…
The work I got here made me forget all ma worries, since I was busy with ma studies and the work…I had no time to think anything else…I was occupied till my week end…It was during ma week ends I feel very sad, missing ma home…
This Saturday, I ve planned to go out for shopping …I got into the tram, sitting there , I was jus thinking about the most happiest days of mine…my home…Thinking that tears flowed out from my eyes with out my conscience…realizing myself getting out of control, I jus distracted myself with the things going around me…
I got a phone call…picked up ma fone and found only numbers being displayed in the id…that was also a number from New York…I picked up and gave it to ma ears…That voice told me that, he got a missed call from this number a minute ago…But am sure that I did not make any calls to anyone that time…he argued me…that irritated me a lot…I could realize that the voice is of an Indian…
Atlast he told me the truth that he was jus trying out some numbers randomly…I did not believe his words...Then he convinced me by telling his number…mine and his number had difference in only two digits…
Then this missed call became ma friend…He is Pavan, working here in a MNC…We planned to arrange for a meet…we have fixed it this Saturday…at LiverPool…in a restaurant…
I was dressed as usual and I went to Liverpool to meet Pavan…I waited there at the restaurant …A tall fair guy, with handsome look came in searching for some one...I guessed it was him, Pavan…Since he has described me how he ll look and the color of the dress in which he ll come. I jus waved ma hands to bring his attention towards me…once he got ma gesture, he approached me with a stylish walk and a mesmerizing smile in his face…He was smarter than what I had imagined…
It was a small talk and we decided to leave that day…he dropped me at ma house…he used to call me daily and we started speaking for hours...I forget time passing away whenever I talk to him…It was him who usually call me up…he has a nice voice that I used to admire quite often…but I failed to admit it open…
He often comes to ma house …He used to wait for me to pick me up from my classes…He is a person with caring nature, he consoles me whenever I get the feeling of ma home…I got ma happiness refilling around me…
The other day he called me up and told me that he wants to tell some thing to me…so he asked me to come to the place where we met at first…Liver Pool…But not to that restaurant…this time it was a sea side…I was dressed up in a saree to go for temple…I started to Liver Pool after going to temple.
I was baffled of what he was going to say…many thoughts were going in me…I reached there…This time it was him who was waiting for me…That was a nice place…many birds were found to be in groups, many in pairs…That was a nice scenery…
It was nearly ten to fifteen minutes we were found silent…Finally I started to break the silence…Pavan, wats the matter? wats the meaning in being silent…?Then he started talking…he was meaningless. He talked something …I knew it was not the exact thing he was coming to say…I jus stopped him…
He raised his head and looked at me straight. I was shocked to see his eyes filled with water…I kept my hands on his shoulders and asked him "what happened?"
He once again told me, "I wanna tell you something…"
Hmm…c'mon say me…wat ever you want to say…
He continued,"I've something on ma mind from sometime now. I don't know wats your opinion about that, but still I thought of putting forward my thoughts…"
The matter is...the matter is... "I....I..I like you and I can't live without you…I love you…this s the correct time to say you my love…since my parents are finding me a better-half…If I fail to say you now then I can't say for my entire life time…."he continued.
I asked him to jus stop teasing me…but he made me realize that he was serious…
I told him that I'm sorry and I can't enter into relationship right now…
Then we left each other to our houses…I felt hard to sleep that day…my thoughts were jus roaming around him…I dono what reply to give him…
It was two days passed after that…But no calls from Pavan, even no messages. Every time the fone rings, I jus rush up to take it…I could feel his absence…But my heart doesn't accept me to get into such relation…I couldn't find Pavan such upset…I like finding him with joy and happiness…finally I made up my mind and heart to fulfill the desires of Pavan…yes, m going to accept his proposal…
Finally I prepared myself to call him up…I used to dial him up and cut it…This s my twelfth time I dial him…this time I managed to talk to him…It was his office number…
I realized that, The voice at the other end was not of Pavans…I asked the person to connect it to Pavan…But he said he was in leave and did not come to the office from yesterday…
I couldn't catch him through his mobile fone, since, it was also switched off…then I managed to go to his house to meet him and tell my love for him…
I hired a cab and reached his house…I rang the door bell and waited to get opened…It was 5 mins after which the door opened…It was Pavan who opened the door…But he looked drowsy and found to lose his stamina…started to fall to the ground…I jus lifted him up and took him to his bed…He was running out temperature…
I took care of him and gave him first aid. Then I took him to the nearest hospital…Then I stayed with him that night due to his illness…He was also happy about my presence with him…
The next day he got his health better and I told him that its time for me to take a leave…He caught my hands and I turned to see him with lots of love for him…I lost myself in his eyes…I realized his love and I told him my love for him…
My mom called me and told me that they are looking for alliances for me…I dono how to tell my love to my parents…they sad that they've mailed me the bride's photo and his details…they also said that, he also resides in the same city where I live…and he s working for a MNC here…
Since I had no guts to tell my love through phone, I planned to mail them. When I opened ma mail box, I found the subject field of the mail they had sent…its here…
Sub: Pavan, working in MNC, NY.
My thoughts were dazzling for a moment…I opened the mail again…I was astonished to see that it was the photo of my man, Pavan…
I was in joy…I realized how lucky I am…and I rang up my mom and told my acceptance of this alliance…they were happy too…
Next day, I dressed up myself to tell him about our marriage…I went to his house and told him too..he was also very happy and we were both awaiting for that precious occasion of our life…
The next month we have our marriage on 16…that is September,16…we are going for our nation, India…now m going to meet ma parents, friends, relatives, my brother, moti, with my beloved Pavan…
My first invitation is for yu… attend ma marriage…:)!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Quechee Real Estat
Quechee Lakes one of the most famous spot in Vermont. And it is known to be a good tourist spot. Buying a home in the Quechee lakes region as a second hand is very much easier.It is really the most beautiful place on earth which is also the premier home destination. Few minutes from Dartmouth/Hanover/Woodstock, easy two-hour drive of Boston and a short flight from New York's LaGuardia International Airport will take you to great where one can relax, have fun, rejuvenate and have all the beautiful scenery added with a great selection of amenities around you.If you've never been, then you're definitely missing out on a great place. In my opinion, it would be the perfect place for a second home.The recently renovated $8 million The Quechee Club with all the latest fitness equipments, great dining, two award-wining private 18-hole championship golf courses; 12 tennis courts, 8 of them being the Har-tru clay courts, 4 of them for all weather and 1 indoor squash court. It is not very far from Dartmouth, Hanover or Woodstock.One can feel the freshness of nature and enjoy the clear sky.It is absolutely a worthless question to be asked, because offers us with everything we need, actually more than everything. The best of part of Quechee Lakes are the wide range of amenities which we would simply love. Everyone finds it very difficult to decide where to start from rather than thinking what to do.They also have private lake access, swimming and many ponds to enjoy splendid time. There are some many amenities to list on and a lot more privileges to enjoy which one can never think of in one single destination.Be an owner of the Quechee Lakes real estate and make yourself proud as well as prestigious with a life turning more beautiful and fun.My plans are to save up enough money over the next several year and find us something in the Quechee Real Estate Quechee Real Estat. Hopefully, there will be something available near my friends vacation home.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The composer says he hasn't received an invitation to perform at the academy Awards.Riding high on his golden Globe success and Oscar nomination,A.R rah man who made a billion Indians proud,recently left for Los angles from Chennai.speaking to DC from LA,rah man brushed aside rumours of his performing live on Oscar night."the news is incorrect any invitation to perfom at least not yet,the maestro is gearing up for the award ceremony and he's even considering getting himself a designer tuxedo for the occasion.when probed about the same,the reticent artiste said"i feel it's premature to talk about it now"but more than rahman,it's his wife saira banu who is keen on her husband bagging the coveted statuette.
young ,successful having fun a marriage feel can wait .They busy climbing the ladders on their
acheivment.They hardly think about their themself.most young professional like put off the thought of "SETTLING DOWN"who have hit their 30s dont seems to be hurry on their marriage life and this not a healthy trend.youngsters today know what they want.With their high confidence levels and financial independence they are in no mood of compromise on nay front.once they cross a certain age ,they enter marriage with a preconceived mindset,making things all difficult.couples today who opt for a divorce know they have options else where ,which is why effort to save the marriage is also missing The right age to get hitached is 25-26 to ensure more compatibility.

While i wrote for and about animals,inter vene with advice and support,and work at a shelter,i have a huge admiration for those activists who on a day to day basis fight on the ground.People who take on nasty neighbours and continue feeding colony dogs,people who take personally go to police stations and courts to report and prosecute cruetly,those who go our night after night to catch trucks heavily overloaded with animals,take responsibility for sterilising and vaccinating their colony dogs,rescue litters off the street and find them homes,go out gathering donations for animal welfare,wake early to spread bird feed,comb municipal shelters t o find a missing animal,those who go underground to collect intelligence against poachers and wildlife smugglers,adopt and look after handicapped animals,take time out from full working schedulues to volunteer and those who stand up against abuse and even family pressures to continue working for animals.

Kate wins let hates to be called a "movie star"The double golden globe-winning star insists she lives a normal life,without privates jets,chefs or personal trainers.Kate,who is married to Oscar winning director SAM mends,said"please don't call me a movie star.i dont feel like a movie star in my life at all, and i don't particularly think i behave like one.i don't have my own's very much a hat that you wear,and as soon as the event's over ,the hat comes off.I'm back to being me and being mummy ,and that 's my priority.I'm so thrilled by our foreheads.They're supposed to move,i'm very proud of that.
- Human beings have been migrating, journeying and travelling for millennia, across great distances. It is only in this millennium that New Zealand and many Pacific Islands were finally reached by humans.
- For most of recorded history migrations have taken three main forms. Elite migrations from the core of empires to their periphery in acts of conquest and conversion followed by settlers; elite and mass migrations to imperial cores and cities from the hinterlands and the countryside in search of work; the expansion and contraction of nomadic societies. Most of these have been regional in scope, though the early Islamic and later Mongol Empires had a global reach.
- From the sixteenth century onwards the shape of global migration was transformed by the European conquest of the Americas and then Oceania as well as more tentative colonial expansion in Africa and Asia.
- The first great wave of early modern migrations involved the forced movements of the transatlantic slave trade which shifted around 9-12 million people by the mid-nineteenth century. By comparison, the more regional Arabic slave trades and the early modern European emigration to the New World were minor.
- From the mid nineteenth century onwards, the slave trade was dwarfed in extent by an extraordinary outpouring of Europe's poor to the New World, overwhelmingly the USA. This was accompanied, beginning in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, by a series of Asian migrations (predominantly of indentured labourers) to the USA, Canada and European colonies. Over 40 million people moved in this way in the quarter century before the First World War.
- During the First World War, international migration plummeted. Although the war triggered some forced migrations, of Armenians and Greeks from Turkey for example, international migrations within Europe almost ceased. North America closed its borders, creating the first set of systematic border controls and immigration legislation in the modern era.
- The bitter struggles and ethnic violence of the Second World war led to unprecedented levels of forced migrations, refugee and asylum movements. Ethnic Germans fled the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Jews headed for Israel, Pakistan and India exchanged millions and Koreans flooded south.
- Economic migration and the rebirth of Western European economies in the 1950s and 1960s drove a renewed epoch of global migration. Despite the oil shocks of the 1970s and the closure of many European immigration programmes, Western Europe's foreign population and ethnic mix have grown as family reunions, unpoliceable borders and sheer demand for labour have driven migration from the European peripheries (Turkey, North Africa ) as well as the most distant outposts of old European empires (Southern Asia, East and West Africa etc.) to the continent.
- In the 1970s these waves of migration were accompanied by a take-off in legal and illegal migration to the USA and Australasia, enormous flows to the oil-rich and labour-scarce Middle East and new patterns of regional migration within Africa, Latin America, Oceania and East Asia. In the late 1990s, the USA in particular has been experiencing levels of migration that are comparable to the great transatlantic push of the late nineteenth century.
- Moreover, recent economic migration has been accompanied by an astronomical rise in asylum seeking, displaced persons and refugees from wars of state formation (and disintegration) in the developing world.
- For OECD states, the current era is characterised by high levels of global and regional migration, borders that are difficult to police, a range of migrations and travellers that are hard to control and in Europe, in particular, unprecedented levels of ethnic diversity. Over 10% of Swedes are foreign born for example.
- Attempts at international regulation of migratory flows have met with limited success. Many states find it very difficult to mobilise internal support for tracking illegal migrants and are in some cases highly dependent economically on their labour. Simultaneously, all states are having to reassess the meaning and practice of national citizenship in an era of increasing heterogeneity. Dual nationality is on the rise.
The Fate of National Cultures
- The globalization of culture has a long history. The formation and expansion of the great world religions are one of the best examples of the capacity of ideas and beliefs to cross great distances with decisive social impacts. No less important are the great pre-modern empires which, in the absence of direct military and political control, held their domains together through a shared and extensive ruling class culture.
- For most of human history these extensive ruling cultures passed through a fragmented mosaic of local cultures and particularisms - little stood between the court and the village. It was only with the emergence of nation-states and national cultures that a form of cultural identity coalesced between these two extremes.
- With the rise of nation-states and nationalist projects, the globalization of culture was truncated. Nation-states took control of educational practices, linguistic policies, postal and telephonic systems, etc. However, from the eighteenth century onwards as European empires began to entrench themselves and as a series of technological innovations came on stream (regularised mechanical transport and the telegraph most notably), new forms of cultural globalization emerged. These were accompanied by new private international institutions like publishing houses and news agencies, but their impact on more local and national cultures remained limited.
- The most important ideas and arguments to emerge out of the West in the era of its expansion were science, liberalism and socialism. Each of these modes of thought and the practices that came with them transformed the ruling cultures of almost every society on the planet. They have certainly had a more considerable impact on national and local cultures than contemporary popular cultures.
- In the period since the Second World War, however, the extensity, intensity, speed and sheer volume of cultural communication at a global level are unsurpassed. The global diffusion of radio, television, the Internet, satellite and digital technologies, and so on, has made instantaneous communication possible, rendered many border checks and controls over information ineffective, and exposed an enormous constituency to diverse cultural outputs and values. While linguistic differences continue to be a barrier to these processes, the global dominance of English provides a linguistic infrastructure that parallels the technological infrastructures of the era. In contrast to earlier periods in which states and theocracies have been central to cultural globalisation, the current era is one in which corporations are the central producers and distributors of cultural products.
- The vast majority of these cultural products originate within the USA and certain key Western societies. However, the evidence available in support of a crude thesis of 'cultural imperialism' is thin. National and local cultures remain robust, national institutions continue in many states to have a central impact on public life, foreign products are constantly read and reinterpreted in novel ways by national audiences.
- Those states which seek to pursue rigid closed-door policies on information and culture are certainly under threat from these new communication processes and technologies, and it is likely that the conduct of economic life everywhere will be transformed by them as well.
- Cultural flows are transforming the politics of national identity and the politics of identity more generally.

hey ..look at this short story of this small girl.begin,with a full of tears and ending in a smooth words after seeing this picture's.i hope u too enjoy this..
Monday, February 2, 2009
Regardless of your skin type - whether it is very oily or very dry, nothing will clear your complexion faster or easier than the ACNE system. At ACNE , we are focused on using the best ingredients from both eastern and western traditions to target acne, no matter where it occurs on your body. Our comprehensive treatment system clears your skin from start to finish. The exclusive forumla targets acne and scar removal as well to completely eliminate all trace of acne from your skin. Most of us use standard scrubs, gels, maybe even multivitamins to treat acne. But there are some people who go to their dermatologist or doctor for antibiotic prescriptions to attempt to treat their acne. Most people prefer less invasive procedures, but sometimes it can be necessary or at least seem necessary at the moment.
Acne antibiotics work in several ways. First, they attack the bacteria to decrease their numbers around the follicles. Second, they reduce the white blood cell chemicals that might irritate the skin. Finally, they reduce free fatty acids in the skin, which reduces inflammation in itself.
The most popular acne antibiotic is called tetracycline. It is usually prescribed in doses of 500mg twice a day and is used until there Acne Treatments is a significant decrease in acne. At that time, it is decreased to 250mg twice a day, or it can be discontinued at this time. However, it has to be taken on an empty stomach to be most effective. And it should not be used my pregnant women or those under 9 years of age.

Geri Haliwell also known as Ginger Spice in the hottest girl band in the 90’s announced her engagement with Fabrizio Politi whom she only met in a nightclub in Florence last month.Halliwell’s management firm, 19, confirmed in a statement: “We are delighted to announce the engagement of Geri Halliwell and Fabrizio Politi.Her Rep. said that there are no immediate plans for the wedding yet.
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John Mayer will propose to Jennifer aniston on her birthday.The gravity singer is planning to ask the friends actress to marry him when she turns 40 on February 11,and has even invested in a custom-made engagement ring for her.A source told America's star magazine."money 's no object for John.he dint want to buy something that anyone else had,so he sketched it and is having it custom-made'jhon ,who has had an on-off relationship with the brunette beauty relationship with the brunette beauty since last April,is determined to make the proposal as special as possible and has previously said he would find a "creatively to pop the question .He said "i think I'd be pretty good at proposing.I'd figure that out.I'd get creative"it was recently reported Jennifer is keen to tie the knot as soon as possible,and has her heart set on a lavish Greek wedding.A source said"John finally agreed to marry her,and they're now planning a traditional Greek Orthodox wedding"prompting Jennifer to tell John she wanted to marry.
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Madonna is reportedly having counselling sessions to make her"less domineering"the 50 year old singer has been privately meeting Rabbi Philip berg at new York's kabbalah centre since her divorce from British film director guy Ritchie.A source told britan's daily mirror newspaper,"Madonna has been having a tough time with kabbalah in the wake of her guy's split.Whenever she's in new york,she feels that previous relationships have broken down because she always takes control,not allowing the other party to flourish and be themselves.The tikkun,or tikkun olam,is a her brew term used in kabbalah which means,"repairing used in kabbalah which means"repairing the world"and relates to a person spiritual path through ab rid to show she is embracing the new philosophy,Madonna met with guy at her new york apartment recently ,one of the few times they have been together since their divorce was announced in October 2008

MEL B says Americans don't understand her.The former spice girl,who moved to Los angles six year ago,says her neighbours can't understand her strong Leeds accent but luckily ahem has pal who translates for her.She said "they don't get it.They go what?thankfully,i'm often with an American friend of mine who kind of translates for me.unless i have change it for an acting role.i'm not going to dampen it.i don't see why i should ,it's me they ask where Leeds is and i say it's fourth hours north of London.despite her communication problems,the 33 year old star loves living stateside with husband Stephen belafonte and her two daughters.The sun shine is a big factor for me for living in Los angles.but of course i liss the UK ,I'm a Leeds girl.luckily,in the last year,i've been over to the uk at least seven or eight times so i still hang out with my friends a lot.but my pals like me living in America because it's good excuse for them to pack their bags over head over.
Christina app legate feels like she is"dying in the desert".The Samantha who?actress is planning to embark on a quest for self-fulfilment this year,comparing herself to a desperate traveller in scorching conditions.She said"it's about finding happiness and joy as if it were water and i was a person dying in a have to search for that.

His long white hair,side burns and aquiline nose give him the look of a seasoned biker or rocker.but 72 -year hira ratan manek(aka HRM),who derives his energy only from the sun and water ,not food,could give any roadie or rocker a run for his money divided,but the man him self in unbothered.

A sedentary lifestyle along with a high calorie diet and less exercise Amy result in unhealthy weight's how to avoid it at work.
- DRINK A LOT OF WATER:This will help lower craving for soft drinks,sodas and also bring down your appetite.Water will not only help you watch your weight but also help your skin glow and benefit your overall a neat water bottle with a cool picture or one-liner it will inspire you to drink not fill it with anything other than water make it special.
- EXERCISE ON YOUR CHAIR:There many sites online that offer ideas for exercising on your chair.You might even consider a small set of weights.There are also gym programs for computers that warn you when it is time to take a break and offer you exercise option.
- DO SOME RUNNING AROUND:Trust me:this will wonders for you.if you have to go up or down a couple of floors use this stairs instead of the lift.That doesn't mean you use the stairs if you have 10 floors..if you have to pass a file on to a colleague or want a cup pf coffee or a quick bite,do it will make and also reduce your craving for that cup of caffeine or tastily morsel(just because you have to go and get it yourself)
- START A WEIGHT -WATCHERS CLUB:Company always makes the difference.Eating sensibly is almost impossible when your desk mate is sinking his teeth into a juicy burger.Starting a weight -watchers club is a fantastic way to stop you from putting a those extra pound.
- DON'T SKIP MEALS:Feelings of stress,deprivation ,and hunger have a way of sabotaging your best intentions.keep some low-fat biscuits or so ya drinks with you and consume them when you have just 10 minutes to eat.
- BRING HOME -COOKED FOOD:Taking home -cooked food means getting up an House or two Earlie's in the morning to make your food,but it is definitely worth it considering the amount of hours you will have to sweat out in the gym instead,if you eat out everyday.
- REDUCE TEA/COFFEE INTAKE:You won't believe the amount of sugar you consume in you tea or just empty calories that will sit as fat deposits in your stomach and hips.
Protective gear, such as helmets, wristguards,and elbow and knee pads, is recommended because it can reduce the number and severity of injuries.In-line skating, skateboarding and roller skating on campuses, whether for recreation or transportation, must meet the basic requirements of common courtesy and are to be conducted in a safe manner, giving priority to pedestrians, particularly individuals who are mobility-impaired, as well as cooperating with motorists on campus.As people discover the fun and convenience of getting around on scooters, skateboards and in-lineskates, it’s important to know that injuries are also on the rise. Most injuries occur when a rider falls,resulting in fractures or dislocation to the arms or hands. More serious injuries, like those to the head,are also on the rise,so be safe in doing all this adventure and keep your mind out...

The Austin powers star Verne troy er,who recently competed in UK reality TV show celebrity big brother,revealed his penchant for British beauties when partying at London cafe DE Paris on recently.After winking at the crowds of eager ladies ,Verne ,who stands at 2ft 8ins tall,said"wow ,the ladies in England are awesome.The 40 years old actor then expressed a preference for a certain type of lady,demanding"more belong girls with good features"verne who partied into the small hours surrounded by a host of stunning women,also warned perspective lovers to avoid using certain pick-up lines to impress him.he grumbled"i hate it when people call me cute,why am i always cute?Verne was hotly tipped to win celebrity big brother recently,but eventually finished in fourth position.

Robbie Williams manager Tim Clark revealed the British star hasn't decided what he will do once he has fulfilled the requirements of his record deal with EMI.Clark said,"Robbie 's got a beast of to come on his contract after releasing a new album this year.He will then look to his future .we will engage with a range of people and Robbie will have his ideas.Rumours have been flying over the last few months about a possible reunion between Robbie and his former take that band mates.Robbie left take that in 1995,with the band splitting a few months later.

Actress Jessica Simpson has been encouraged to pursue a role in a traditional Christmas theatre production after her friend Steve Gutenberg,who stars alongside her in upcoming film Major movie star,told her how much money she could earn,The police academy star told Britain's new! magazine.i"ve been talking to her about when i did my stint in bromely,UK and she's keen to experience the panto for herself.i told her how I'd picked up 100 grand for four week's work that's going to appeal to anyone.Jessica ,who recently left her pop Carree in favour of country singing may have to put plans for pantomime stint on hold after it was recently revealed she is "actively trying for a baby 'with her American foot ball star boyfriend tony romo.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie,who have three adopted and three biological kids together,will be adding to their brood in the near future,according to brad.he said"we average about two years,so i guess we're override aren't we?Angelina,who has recently revealed she is keen to adopt and get pregnant again,confirmed the couple are prepared to extend their family ,despite only recently giving birth to twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Micheline last July,she said"if they come our way we'd happy to have them all.we love children"meanwhile brad has praised his partner parenting skills.he said"she 's amazing and a fantastic mother.the couple are reportedly planning to move to their luxurious home in the south of France for good to give their children a break from the constant media attention.

Drew Barrymore has sparked rumours of the third charlies angles film.The 33-year-old actress would love to star in another instalment of the action comedy alongside her original co-stars Cameron diaz and Lucy liu.