Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Specialised centres can help most patients, particularly if the mark is on the face. This treatment makes the stain very much less obvious and possibly unnoticeable to the casual observer.They come in all shapes and sizes. Some are hard to find, others are impossible to miss. Some are visible at birth, others appear weeks or months later. The Birthmarks can be flat or raised, and any of a wide range of colors. But no matter how large or small, a birthmark can be devastating.No one knows for sure what causes birthmarks. But it’s important for parents to know that it wasn’t something they did or did not do during pregnancy.

Vascular birthmarks occur when blood vessels get tangled together. The most common vascular birthmarks are macular stains (also called angel kisses or stork bites), port wine stains, and hemangiomas (often called strawberry hemangiomas). Ninety percent of hemangiomas disappear by 10 years of age.The pain factor is relatively less in laser removal of Birthmarks . Adults can afford to take this treatment without using any anaesthesia. Some amount of anaesthesia is necessary for younger children. Most individuals mention little or no discomfort during this procedure.

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