Monday, December 22, 2008


Today television brings home the devastating impact of terrorism.The recent terror in mumbai all over India should serve to tell us that terrorism is not something  new.It has been going on well before the 1950's The only difference is that today we have television bringing us live images of terrorist and terror operations.
Take for example the Marxist Islamic group called Mujaheddin-e-khalq was  founded in the 1960's.With over 3000 members,it was known for its bombing,foreign military aided assaults and its assassinating attempts,similarly the Basque fatherlands and founded in 1959targeted Spanish and french government interests as well as tourists established to create an independent Basque homeland,the group killed more than 850 people injured of hundred of others.

1982 was the year a=that the Hezbollah came into existence based in Lebanon with worldwide cells,this Shiite group responsible for several suicide bombings,rocket attacks against Israel and the hijacking of TWA flight in 1985Three years later the Hark at UL Allegedly linked to Al-qaeda its target has been Indian troops,Kashmir civilians .it was also responsible for hijacking of the Indian airlines flight in 1999 ,two years later in 1987 ,HA MAS came into being .In 1989,the emergence of a group called Lashkhar-e-Tayyiba saw it wreak devastation on Indian troops and civilian in Kashmir,Based in Pakistan ,the group was also responsible for the attacks on the Indian Parliament and alleged accountable for the recent,dastardly mumbai attacks.Its alleged political arm,the Jamaat-ud-Dawah has recently been banned.The year 2000saw the birth of yet another terrorism module called the Jaish-e-mohammed.Based in pakistan this group was responsible for the murder of journalist Daniel pearl and allegedly also had a hand in the attack on the Indian Parliament

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