Tuesday, September 2, 2008


israeli secret agent turned-art resorter,gabriel allon,realises rather belatedly that rules in moscow
are different from those in the rest of the world.IVAN Kharkov,a former in KGB colonel,had built a global
empire on the rubble and remains of the former soviet union.Kharkov is feared by his men and others
and has a reputation for killing to meet his ends.This time the stakes are huge;not only for kharkov and his
gang but also for the rest of the world,when they realises that he is selling arms to fundamentalists

Allon approaches kahrkov's network though his wife,Elena ,a connnoisseur of art and a woman
with a conscience.She is revolted by the fact that she is livingand bringing up her children
with a man who wil stop at nothing to make money.Elena agrees to Allon's audacious plan to trap kharkov.Despite
being a thriller about the international espionge,This book strikes a raw nerve when it describes life in moscow after
that fall of the soviet union.At one level this is an honest account of the permutations and the machinations that take place between
nations in the name of development
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